إلى أوقات طويلة لتعليمهم الالتزام، والصلاة، وبناء العلاقات، والتعامل م traduction - إلى أوقات طويلة لتعليمهم الالتزام، والصلاة، وبناء العلاقات، والتعامل م Anglais comment dire

إلى أوقات طويلة لتعليمهم الالتزام،

إلى أوقات طويلة لتعليمهم الالتزام، والصلاة، وبناء العلاقات، والتعامل مع الحياة ومع الآخرين. واليك أفضل النصائح لتعليمها للأطفال ليصبحوا أشخاصاً ناضجين مؤمنين وخيرين وقادرين على مواجهة الحياة.

1-قبل أي شيء البداية تكون بالخوف من الله في كل أعمالهم، وتعليمهم أن الله يراقبهم وليس فقط الخوف من الناس أو الخوف من مكانتهم أمام الناس.

2-احترام السلطة وأن طاعة الوالدين واجبة، وأن الوالدين لا يهمهم شيء أكثر من مصلحة أطفالهم.

3-أهمية وجود الأصدقاء في حياتهم.

4-تعليمهم العطف على الفقراء واليتامى والمساكين.

5-القوة الحقيقية تأتي من خدمة الآخرين وليس خدمة الآخرين لهم.

6-تعليمهم أن النجاح في الحياة يأتي من التمتع بالأخلاق الحميدة ونقاء الضمير.

7-تعليمهم كيفية تحفيز الآخرين وعدم التلاعب بأحلامهم.

8-الفشل ليس نهاية الطريق وإنما هو خطوة للوصول للطريق الصحيحويجب التعلم من الأخطاء حتى لا تتكرر.

9-الوعد شيء مقدس يجب الوفاء به.

10-حلاوة اللسان والبلاغة اللغوية يجب ان توجه للخير وليس للتلاعب بعقول البسطاء.

11-تعليمهم الكرم في العطاء.

12-تعليمهم حمد الله على نعمه وعلى كل حال، والتقرب دائماً لله في السراء والضراء.

13-تعليمهم طريقة توجيه الأسئلة الصحيحة لفهم ما حولهم.

14-تعليمهم كيفية مواجهة الإغراءات المختلفة عن طريق كلمة "لا".

15-تعليمهم الحكمة في اتخاذ القرار والتعلم من الخبرات المختلفة.

16-الرضا بما قسمه الله لهم والرضا بقضاء الله، وعدم الغيرة ممن رزقهم الله زيادة عنهم.

17-عدم السخرية من الآخرين ولا من بساطة أشيائهم.

18-تعليمهم أن تعلم الجديد ليس له عمر ومهما كبر الإنسان سيظل يتعلم.

19-تعليمهم المرونة في التعامل للتكيف مع الحياة والآخرين.

20-الصدق هو أفضل طريق للنجاة في الحياة.

21-تعليمهم أهمية الأولويات في اتخاذ القرار.

22-تعليمهم البعد عن الأنانية وأنها صفة قبيحة تؤدي لنفور الجميع منهم.

23-تعليمهم كيفية الاختيار الصحيح وتحمل نتائج الاختيار و اضافتها الى خبراتهم.

24-احترام كرامة ورأي الآخرين.

25-تعليمهم قوة الشخصية والاعتماد على النفس وصفات القيادة.

26-تعليمهم العفو عند المقدرة والقدرة على الصفح ومسامحة الآخرين.

27-تعليمهم المثابرة و الاصرار وأن العمل الشاق هو سبيل النجاح.

طبعا القائمة تطول وتطول لكن عليك بالثقة في أطفالك وأن تريهم الطريق الصحيح وتترك لهم حريات الاختيار بعد أن عرفوا الصواب من الخطأ.


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فريق العمل عن مجلة حياتك اتصل بنا ارسل ملاحظاتكشارك بمقالاتك Magazine delle donne A Revista Da Muhler Copyright © 2015 CCM Benchmark

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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
The long times of prayer and commitment, education, building relationships, and cope with life with others. Here are the best tips to teach kids to become mature Christians and good and able to cope with life.1. before starting anything have the fear of God in all their work, and teach them that God is watching them and not just the fear of people, fear of standing in front of people.2. respect for authority and filial duty, and that parents are not interested in something more than the interests of their children.3. the importance of having friends in their lives.4. teach them kindness to the poor, orphans and the poor.5. true power comes from serving others and not have service.6. teach them that success in life comes from the enjoyment of morality and purity of conscience.7. teach them how to motivate others and not manipulate their dreams.8. failure is not the end of the road but it is a step for access to the road alshaihoigb learn from mistakes so as not to be repeated.9. sacred promise must be fulfilled.10. the sweetness of tongue and linguistic eloquence must guide for good and not for manipulation of gullible minds.11. teach them generosity in giving.12. teach them thank God for the blessing, if at all, closer to God, always in good times and bad.13. the education method of asking the right questions to understand what is around them.14. teaching them how to cope with various temptations by the word "no".15. teach them wisdom in decision making and learning from experiences.16. consent as dividing God and God, and God is not jealous of those living further from them.17. do not ridicule others and simply got their things.18. education to learn new has no age, no matter how large the human will continue to learn.19. education flexibility in dealing with adjustment to life and others.20. honesty is the best way to survive in life.21. the importance of education priorities in decision-making.22. the education dimension of selfishness and it's as ugly to everyone got bored of them.23. teach them how to choose the right and check results and added to the experience.24. respect for the dignity and the opinion of others.25. teach them personal strength and self-reliance, leadership.26. Education Amnesty when the competence and capacity to forgive and forgive others.27. education perseverance and determination and hard work is for success.Of course, the list goes on and on but you have to trust your kids and show them the right way and leave them the freedoms of choice after he knew right from wrong. Share your new article Add a comment Other topics that might interest youWeldiasbab do not share your child talk with his parentsWeldialag sensitive insect bites when the childThe correct weldialkivih for dealing with children after parental separation?Google adsAlso in maternityTavliasbab presence of salts when children andAlhamltarvi the wrong habits that prevent pregnancyAlhamlahm herbs that must be withheld during pregnancyAlhamlalaghad and on the health of the bodyBenefits of infant massage tvliaktshvi stunning!Alhamlahm tips for a healthy pregnancyNo reviews available for this subjectE-newsletterOKBest diet tricks daily to fit!Other topics that might interest youThe reasons for the presence of salts when children andReadLearn about the habits that prevent pregnancyReadDiscover how will your child's personality through his name!ReadThe most important herbs that must be withheld during pregnancyReadFatty mantdiatbshrti ... How to take care of them? Reading the poetry after reading his Assistant character very skinny dark lips reading قراءهابنتي readingFACEBOOKMost reading warning: 7 food should not be reheated never!! قراءهاحذري eating turmeric if you suffer from one of these cases, reading what? you know about the amazing benefits of drinking water when you wake up? قراءهاهم steps to combat skin ageing, do you follow her? Reading prescriptions for softer hands and skin in winter readTeam your magazine contact us email mlahazatkshark your articles delle donne A Magazine Revista Da Muhler Copyright © 2015 CCM Benchmark
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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]
For a long time to teach them to pray, and the relations, dealing with the life and others. Here are the best tips to be taught to children as individuals mature believers Wkhyryn capable of meeting life

1 - first before anything is fear of God in all their actions, and that God is watching them and not just fear, fear of people standing in front of the people.

2. Respect for authority and obedience to parents, and parents are not interested in the interest of their children.

3 - the presence of friends in their life.

4. Their kindness to the poor and orphans and the poor.

5. The true power comes from serving others and service to others.

6. To teach them that success in life comes from enjoy the moral purity of conscience.

7- taught how to motivate others, and manipulate dreams.

8. The failure is not the end of the road, but is an access road Alshyhwyjb learning from mistakes, so it doesn't happen.

9. The promise is something sacred. Be honoured.

10. The sweet tongue language, rhetoric must be directed to the good, and not to manipulate the minds of ordinary people.

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