Жак has been close my friend for two years.I first met him on a school exchange trip to Кале, France.Я просил его the way to the library and we started talking.We 've been friends Пенелопа Жак is довольно good-looking.
.He 's высокий and Худышка, with кожу и волосы кудрявые dark был.французский как many people, Он has a great sense of style, так он всегда выглядит even in Грейсон well-dressed Майк
.Жак is very передача.He is always friendly and кто to have fun.He 's got a - Ну sense of юмора and Он always makes меня смеяться.Однако, Он can be a бит Вайолет at times.For example, когда Он doesn 't get what he wants, Он acts and печатей его ноги childishly.
Жак очень keen on water sports.Он любит sailing and Он spends a lot of time on his boat.Он enjoys scuba diving, too,Кто exploring and life under sea.
All in all, I 'm что to have Hacques as my friend.It 's a удовольствием to be with him and I really enhoy his company.I 'll be уверен, we always close friends.
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